Monday, July 19, 2010

0005: Overtip breakfast waitresses.

Second to a romantic dinner out on the town, breakfast just might be my favorite meal to have out of the house. There’s something about going to a diner or breakfast establishment or Al’s Breakfast, having a really bad cup of coffee, indulging in some breakfast grease, returning home, and curling up back in bed, simultaneously basking in and regretting the menu decisions made earlier that morning.

While we go to breakfast at a leisurely time, I never thought to stop and think about the wait staff. Now, those who have been to the best breakfast place on earth, I mean Al’s, will know and agree that those working there are not really working – they are thoroughly enjoying themselves. However, this is not always the case. I have certainly been, as I’m sure we all have, to those breakfast joints where the wait staff is less-than-pleased to be up early, serving us ungracious guests stale coffee and mushy hash brown potatoes.

So maybe that extra dollar or two will help. Maybe, just maybe that extra somethin’ somethin’ we leave behind will brighten their day so much so that the next time we frequent said breakfast establishment, the coffee will be less stale, the hash browns will be a bit crispier, and we will indeed be served with a smile.

Well, that is unless you’re dining at Al’s – and if that’s the case, just charge your breakfast to Harry’s book (he worked at Al’s, you know) and drop a $5 on the counter in gratitude to those who served up those amazing Wheat Wally Blues or that 2-Egg José.

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